Nokia 5130c-2 Not Enough Memory Problem Solutions are available in the following article. Also you will find Nokia 5130 Not Enough Memory reasons and how to avoid it information in this post.
In Nokia 5130c-2 Not Enough Memory problem can occur if Music Player Skins are somehow deleted. Music Player Official Skins are often deleted if you install one or more Unofficial themes in your phone. You can not install the original themes back into the phone by just copying them so the best way to solve Nokia 5130 Not Enough Memory is to flash it with same or newer firmware. There is also an easy solution if you don’t have flashing box or you don’t want to flash your phone.

Download this File, Extract it and you’ll get a file named “Backupfile.NBF” copy it to any where in your phone’s memory card then use explore to the location you have copied it and open it. It will ask you if you want to restore settings according to this backup file, Press “YES” wait for the process to finish. Your phone will automatically restart if it does not restart it manually.
Bingo! You’ll have your Gallery and Music Player running again, but again Flashing your phone is better and recommended solution. Best Of Luck
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Note: Every repairing solution posted here is tested by at least one member of our team. Use the information available here at Your Own Risk. We are not responsible if any harm comes to your device during the repairing process.