This post is for Nokia N82 assemble and disassemble guide. So if you are having trouble while disassembling your mobile phone use videos in this post and hopefully your problem will be solved. These videos are in wmv format. You can Play them in Windows Media Player. Here Are The Downloading Links. Download N82 Assemble
Download SonyEricsson K550i, K550c & K550i Schematics
This post holds Sony Ericsson Download K550i, K550c and K550im Schematics in PDF format. So if you know about hardware repairing and you are having any problem while tracking a specific component of part these schematics can be very very helpful to you. TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1.00.0: – Introduction 1.10.0: – K550 1.20.0: – K550i
Download China Mobile Phones Flashing Pin outs
If you do flashing then you know that Chinese mobile phones are a lot different then each other. There is no way you can have all the flashing cables for all of the Chinese mobile phones. So in order to help with that here is a huge collection of China mobile phones pin outs so
Download All Nokia Dct-4 BB5 Cdma Pm Files Free
Download All Nokia Dct-4 BB5 Cdma Pm Files for free. PM files for these mobile phones are in the archive. Please note that writing wrong PM files can damaged your phone even futher so only flash when you are absolutely sure what you are doing. DCT-4 and BB5 CDMA 1100 255 1101 2112 1110 2280